
John M. Olin Fellowships in Law and Economics

The John M. Olin Fellowships are intended to foster research and study in the area of law and economics. Fellows receive a stipend of $5,000 during the academic year and are expected to make a significant commitment to writing in law and economics and to attend a seminar series in the field. 2L, 3L and SJD students at Harvard Law School are eligible for the fellowships, as well as PhD students at Harvard University who have a strong and developed interest in economic analysis of law. Application instructions and materials are available here.

John M. Olin Fellowships in Empirical Law and Finance

These $5,000 fellowships are jointly administered and supported by the Harvard Law School John M. Olin Center for Law, Economics, and Business and the Harvard Law School Program on Corporate Governance. Empirical research on issues at the intersection of law and finance (including in areas such as corporate governance, executive compensation, and financial regulation) is now undertaken by researchers in law, economics, finance, and accounting. These fellowships are accordingly open to students at Harvard Law School, Harvard Business School, and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Application instructions and materials are available here.

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